Former President Daniel Arap Moi has weighed into the transitional Justice debate, warning that the TJRC could unleash demons the current leaders would be unable to deal with. He warns of possible division and further violence. Having been at the helm for 24 years, he probably understands the country better than most.While he does not suggest how the government should go about it, he betrays a scintilla of hope that the process should not go ahead. Is this in self interest? Some of the darkest days in Kenya's history were spent under his Presidency....for those who suffered, but lived on.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Raila Odinga has defended cabinet's decision to establish a TJRC instead of a Special Tribunal recommended by Waki Commission. He noted that the threat by a section of parliament to shoot down (once again) government's attempt to pass the special tribunal law was sufficient dissuasion for cabinet.
Former President Moi ought to be prosecution witness number one or accused one.He really does not have the moral locus to say anything with regard to the Truth Justice and Reconciliation.Not to blame him completely but he was part of the problem by commission and omission.